Yes We Do Botox

A dental office doing botox? It may seem out of the ordinary, but it is actually the perfect setting to provide botox services! Since we are already operating in a sterile and clean environment, it makes sense to extend our services beyond just dentistry!

Beyond Expectations

At Above and Beyond Dentistry, we want to go beyond your expectations of what a dental office should be. Our goal is to provide a wide array of services to fulfill our guest’s health, cosmetic, and preventative needs. Botox is just one of many different treatments we do here, and we have seen an increase in interest over the past few years in Botox services.


Yes, we do botox at Above and Beyond Dentistry with Dentists Dr. Craig Fisk, Dr. Gary Iskol, and Dr. Alex Podebryi

Botox is used for a wide variety of treatments, but at its core, it prevents nerve signals from reaching muscles. So in the case of wrinkles, for example, Botox would be used to relax targeted facial muscles to allow the skin to lay flat on your face. It is truly a wonderful treatment that gives people the ability to shave years off of their appearance, and some people even say that when they look in the mirror they feel more like themselves!

What is botox?

Botox, or botulism toxin, is a neurotoxin that is produced by a bacteria called Clostridium Botulinum. Although this neurotoxin is highly poisonous, when applied by a trained physician, it actually has a lot of wonderful applications to help in a wide variety of medical and cosmetic treatments.

Is Botox Safe?

When done by a licensed professional, absolutely. If you have any concerns about your safety, be sure to communicate with us and ask any questions you may have before going through with treatment as there are possible side effects. Botox is FDA approved and is diluted to a safe level for consumer protection.

During Treatment

We offer treatment to soften facial features, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines, and even to help treat symptoms of TMJ. During the procedure, you may feel minor pain, but the needle is very thin. If requested, we can provide local numbing as well.

The treatment only takes 15-20 minutes!

After Treatment

To see full results, it may take up to 2-5 days after the procedure, usually between 24-72 hours. You may feel slight discomfort or redness in the area for a few days, but if you have any concerns with how you are feeling you can contact our office with questions at any time.

Results usually last between 3 to 5 months.

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